Thursday, May 8, 2014

Minor League Baseball Logo  Showdown

I love minor league baseball, almost more than major league. I love the hijinks, the gimicks, the cheap beer and hotdogs. I love it all. But perhaps my favorite thing about minor league baseball is the whacky team names/ logos they come up with. The majors are too tied to traditional logos, minor league owners are like fuck it, more colors! So today I'm going to start a showdown of the best, if you think your local team does something cool I don't know about, send it my way.

Challenger 1: Modesto Nuts

I like the idea, but these guys look more like the type of guys that hang out underneath the bleachers and take upskirt pics rather than win on the field. A for creativity, C for execution of the facial expressions. 5.2/10

Challenger 2: Midland Rockhounds

Stop the fight! This logo invokes three awesome things: dogs, baseball, and the working stiffs out there on the oil rigs. I don't get the dog's sundial watch, but that's doesn't hurt the score. 8.9/10

PS- When I was researching this, I found this logo for the Asheville Tourists. I was took one look and said, oooh that's the one to beat all others.
Then I find out those fuckers changed it. Wtf Ashevile? Nothing is funnier than fat dudes wearing Hawaiian shirts (I hope to be one one day) and then you incorporate a bear playing baseball? Genius. No explanation for why they got rid of this, just flat out dumb.

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