Friday, May 2, 2014

Colleges Asking Grads to Refrain from Taking Selfies

Thank God! I can't be alone in saying thank you to the brave college administrators willing to take on the biggest problem infecting their proud institutions: Selfies! Nevermind that colleges are handing out worthless pieces of paper and not providing any help for kids finding jobs, we gotta stop these fucking selfies. Forget about the mountains of debt that you're burying your grads under, if they pull a Samsung, we better fucking end that kid. 

Honestly is there anything more overdone than graduations? My mom made me go to all of mine, all of them were the most boring/pompous/ worst hours of my life while I was waiting to get shitfaced with my friends. If someone wants to pull their phone and take a pic to spice things up, let them.

PS- Not even going to dive into the "ethnic" families at graduations. The time's not right, thanks a lot Donald Sterling. 

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