Monday, August 19, 2013

Colts Recap

Watched the game last night for about an hour and a half before I realized Summer Slam was on and the starters were out so it wasn't worth watching anymore. Here are my observations:


  • I expect TY to bust out this season. Sure we signed DHB, but he's never been healthy his entire career and TY does everything DHB does with about the same proficiency. Damn that was a lot of initials. 
  • Greg Toler- this guy looked good. It might be nice to have a defensive player that can get us some interceptions. 
  • Bad Andy- the passing game looked awesome. If Luck's gonna be out there dangling like that every game, I'll go ahead and say 13-3. 
  • The run D was... well the typical run D. Granted, the D only gave up 95 yards on the ground so it wasn't like we were getting split wide open, but there were a few big runs early and lots of big holes. This doesn't bode well when we play Jax or Tennessee. If this were any other team, I probably wouldn't even mention this, but run defense has been a problem in Indy for the last 20 years and it doesn't look like it's going to change this year. 
  • Coby Fleener- I loved the Coby Fleener pick last year and I'll give him a break last year because he battled injuries all season, but the guy is looking rough so far. After seeing a few mental mistakes in the first game, he follows it up by dropping two balls last night. He's no Dallas Clark... not yet at least. 
  • Erik Walden- This may be totally unfounded but I'm pretty sure I'm going to hate him in a Colts uniform. I didn't like the fact that they gave him a Clay Matthews (pre-suspension) sized contract. It looked like he's 3 seconds behind the play on a couple of occasions. I hope I'm wrong, but I just have the feeling that the Colts will regret the signing at year's end. 
Oh, and I can't get enough of Chandler Harnish nailing Pam Oliver in the face: 

Keep doing that kind of shit Chandler and you could be the next Jim Sorgi. 

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